Waiting: Days One and Two

There are renovations being done at the Krasnoyarsk Baby Home #3. The current project includes replacing all the windows in the building and right now they are working on the common areas. Our visit on Monday with dude occurred completely on a couch in the corridor. So for our Waiting Day One visit only one of us was allowed to go. I tried to convince N we should do a rock-paper-scissors thing for it but it didn't get much consideration. I suggested casting lots. I suggested a vote, but it's clear our family is not a democracy. N left at noon for the visit and N, C and me stayed at the apartment.

The orphanage provided a playroom for the visit. It was still being cleaned from the recent window replacement and two workers stayed in the room cleaning the room and toys. Dude responded well to N and they had a great and exhausting time together. It is definitely more difficult to take pictures on your own so our facilitator Y took some picture of N and dude together. It was a typical visit, about two hours, and N returned home.

For our Waiting Day Two visit two persons were permitted and I was selected! C came too and we left at noon for our 12:30 visit. We were placed in the same room as yesterday but the workers had made some progress. The curtains were now back up and the toys in better order. I was able to play with dude for quite a bit while C took about 300 pictures. The S family (who we met in Moscow) was also there playing with their little guy. It was another great time with her and our two hours went quickly. We shared a ride home with the S family and dropped them off at Hotel Krasnoyarsk. It was great getting to know them a little bit and hear their story.

There was a heat wave today in Krasnoyarsk and the temperature was about 28F. It felt hot - can't explain it. So, we walked to the local KFC for some fried chicken. Ordering is difficult but one of the workers spoke a little English. I basically pointed at one of the bucket deals and that's what we ate. It was fun.


  1. Funny thing about those heat waves. . .and the snow actually appears to melt a bit, too!


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