Waiting: Day Ten - The Last Goodbye

I purchased some diapers today and C and N set up the sleeping area and cleaned her toys. We are ready and excited. The cold temperatures here (-30s) caused our driver some trouble with his car so we were 45 minutes late for our visit to the orphanage. She really wore us out today and we were all quite tired following the visit. We stopped by the Vital Statistics office afterwards to drop off some paperwork and will return tomorrow morning to pick up her birth certificate.

Today was the last time we will say goodbye as we leave tomorrow at noon to pick her up forever. Check back tomorrow for the official announcement.


  1. Can't wait!!!! C, your mom is practically bursting! But she's been good, no slip ups. =) Except to say you're too much of a lawyer. hehe

  2. I can hardly stand the wait and am so excited for you all!!! We got out court date assignment this week. Soon we'll be waiting for our little girl too (: Praise God for the miracle of adoption!

  3. WOW!!! Tearing up with joy!! :) So excited for you!!!


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