Waiting: Day Eight

We left thirty minutes early today because today we would get to feed her! When we arrived we went to the same music room we were in yesterday. The caregiver brought her in and she sat at a small table. The caregiver showed us how she fed her and then it was our turn. She had a whole bowl of beef noodle soup with a side of mashed potatoes. She also ate a piece of bread and had some tea for a drink. She ate all of her food but had some difficulty drinking out of a regular cup. I'm not sure how they do it here but most of it ended up on her tray. After cleaning her up we had another good time together. She really showed us how active she is. Eight days done, two to go.

1 comment:

  1. Aidan drank tea also. . .boy did he have some caffeine withdrawal!!! And, we had to help him learn how to drink out of a sippy cup, but that worked really well once he got the hang of it.

    Not much longer!


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