Trip Two: Day Three

Our flight landed early in Siberia slightly before 7am. We bundled up and had our first taste of the Siberian air. Chicago gets cold, but I can't remember the last time it was -20F for an air temperature. We descended the stairs and loaded up the bus for the short ride to the terminal. Since our flight was early our regional facilitator, Y, was not there yet. We waited by the baggage claim and used the facilities (ladies, bring your own toilet paper!). After a few minutes Y arrived with our driver, S. It was great to see a familiar face and we all exchanged hugs. Our bags arrived several minutes later intact and unharmed so we went to the car for the drive to the apartment. It is the same apartment we stayed at on our first trip, see details here.

Y went over some of the paperwork we brought for her. It sounds like we may still have issues with the judge over some of the paperwork, but, at this point we have no control over anything. It will be just trusting in God for filling in the gaps of where we are and where He wants us to be. If you remember there has been a recent outbreak in our region. Because of this outbreak, N and C were not going to be able to go to the orphanage with us. But then we were not able to secure a babysitter. We had letters drafted by their doctors that they had been vaccinated from this infection, etc. Y spoke to the orphanage director and hopes that this will be enough to have them come with us and stay in a separate room. We're praying they'll meet their little sister before court, which is on Tuesday. We get picked up at noon on Monday to go see her again!!!

We settled in to the apartment and got the kids familiar with their surroundings. at 10am we went shopping at the local grocery store. We purchased some basic food items and expect to visit every other day or so. The store is only one block away but we may draw straws to see who has to go because it's so cold! Just kidding, I will go. I enjoy shopping for random foods.

After the grocery store we had a quick lunch and went down for a family nap. We slept for more hours than planned and have been awake most of the night. I've used this time to catch up with work and will do the same tomorrow. As I write this everyone is back in bed and it is snowing lightly, hopefully a sign that it is warmer out now.


  1. Enjoy! The cold won't go. . .sorry to tell you! Wow! You're back in Kras. . .You all will be in my prayers during this coming week. I will especially pray that the judge will be kind and generous and won't hold you up. We had some paperwork issues, too, but it was really with the MOE paperwork. . .nothing we could do about that at all!! God bless and just hug your newest little one and get to know her during that waiting period. . .

  2. I am so excited for Monday to come for you! I pray the kids will be able to see their little sister, as you said- what a forever memory! I will also keep praying for the judge to just see through the paperwork straight to your hearts!


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