Day Two Part One

I was awakened at 4:45 this morning as N turned on the light to do some math homework. He couldn't sleep and soon we were all awake. Breakfast did not start until 7:00 so I caught up on some work. The plan was to meet our driver V at 11:55. Our medicals would last until about 3pm and we had arranged late checkout at 4.
The last time we stayed at this hotel we really enjoyed the breakfast. The dining hall has a great view of the Kremlin and one side of the Red Square. The server called N "sir" and we all got a kick out of that. After a leisurely breakfast N and the kids went back to the room to take a nap. She set the alarm for 10:45 just in case. I left the hotel with two goals: ATM to get some rubles and to find a voltage converter for the kids' DSs.
It was snowing again this morning in Moscow. The ATM was just around the corner and I walked a good 30 minutes to two stores to try and find it. No luck. When I got back to our room everyone was sleeping and I joined them. The alarm went off as scheduled but no one flinched. I decided to snooze it since we had over an hour. Well, snooze on the alarm clocks here does not work the same way? It never went off but by the grace of God I woke up at 11:35. It was a quick wake-up for everyone and packing session. We made it down by noon.
Our driver V and Moscow facilitator P were waiting for us. They had one message - for our next trip we would need to stay somewhere else. Staying so close to the city center is a traffic headache and could cause us to miss appointments next time. P secured new reservations for us on our way to the clinic. It took about 40 minutes or so to get to the clinic, a famous clinic in Moscow. I noticed that I could see the back of the Hyundai sign in the distance (look at previous post). And it took us 40 minutes to get there. We checked in, signed something and went upstairs for our first appointment. Th first two doctors we would meet were on the third floor. It was typical style of the 70s here in Russia. We noticed another family also here for their medicals. We ended up chatting later on and they are also in our region with the same court date!


  1. HIYA There! Guess what! We may be seeing you guys at the tale end of your trip! We are flying to Moscow next Saturday, but you'll be in Kras then. BUT, we also fly back (after our 10 day wait) on the 18th!!! Will keep in touch! Wow...we were told the same thing about travel arrangements- we are staying in another hotel this time for that reason too!

  2. I found your blog through another. Best wishes for the remainder of your trip. Interesting note about the hotel and request to stay somewhere else because of traffic. I hope we can work a compromise on my end because my group will have a tough time budging me from that same basic area. :) Was the clinic near the Hyundai sign? Feasible walk? Safe travels!

  3. it was a 40 minute drive to the clinic, 15 minutes back. I don't think the clinic is an issue but the embassy, etc.?


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